In response to the evolving job landscape, nine organizations across Europe are coming together under the motto:”Match, Attach and Sustain,” or MASS project, dedicated to creating innovative methods and upskilling Europe’s Job Brokers. Our primary aim is to fine-tune information, advice, and guidance services, with a special emphasis on providing more effective support to Ukrainian refugees and other job seekers.
What sets MAAS apart is its sectoral focus on responding to the employment and career opportunities that are increasingly available in Europe’s Tourism sector, as it emerges from the Covid-19 Pandemic.
In the MAAS initiative we will work on:
- Designing Innovative Counseling Methods to offer a fresh perspective on how job brokerage services can be improved.
- Digital Enhancement. We design and promote digital tools and techniques to transform the way job brokerage services are offered. This digital enhancement will streamline the process of matching job seekers with suitable opportunities and ensure sustained employment.
- Community of Practice: we will create a new transnational collaborative network, which will be informed from the “bottom up” by action learning groups, ensuring that insights from the field contribute to the development of new methods and tools.
By developing innovative methods and fostering collaboration, we aspire to achieve tangible and intangible results such as bolstering the resilience, inclusion, and economic independence of Ukrainian refugees affected by conflict, addressing skill shortages in the tourism industry, establishing a new Cooperation Partnership to support Ukraine, creating an interconnected online community of job brokers for collaborative knowledge sharing, and introducing practical tools like the “Match, Attach & Sustain” Methods, a multilingual eTracking tool, and a Guidance Toolkit.
This October the following nine MAAS partners met at Rinova’s offices at the Polo Digital, to start transforming the landscape of job brokerage services in Europe, catering to the needs of refugees, job seekers, and the resurging tourism industry with Trim tab AB (SE), VINNUMALASTOFNUN (IS), Vinnitsia Institute of Trade and Economics SUTE, (UA), Rinova Málaga (ES), Larnaka Tourism Board (CY), DIMITRA (GR), Sexta Planta (Bamen S. Coop.) (SE), Folkuniversitetet (SE) , SZKOLA GLOWNA GOSPODARSTWA WIEJSKIEGO(PL)

The MAAS project is co-financed by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union. Its content is the sole responsibility of its project partners and neither the European Commission nor the Swedish National Agency are responsible for the use that may be made of the information disseminated here. The MAAS project will be implemented from 1st September 2023 to 28th February 2026. Funding code: 2023-1-SE01-KA220-VET-000159421