EQAVET4INCLUSION (eqavet4inclusion.eu) focuses on ensuring inclusiveness in vocational education and training (VET) as a way of preventing student dropout. According to CEDEFOP the rate of early leavers from education and training in 2021 is 9,7% across the EU. A consortium of nine organisations in seven European countries is working on guidelines to ensure the implementation of indicator 8 of the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework for Vocational Education and Training (EQAVET). The aim is to enable vocational schools to have an early warning system and to develop and implement dropout prevention strategies for vulnerable and high-risk students.

The EQAVET4INCLUSION Quick Scan is a user-friendly and interactive online tool for continuous self-assessment of schools that supports the incorporation of EQAVET, allowing schools to identify concrete knowledge and capacity gaps in relation to professionals’ readiness for dropout prevention. The training needs will be addressed by an online remote learning programme tailored to VET professionals. This will enable a collective understanding and approach to measure and tackle dropout.
EQAVET4INCLUSION is a collaborative effort by 9 partners from 7 European countries:
Folk Universitetet (SE), Il Mio Futuro (IT), Rinova (ES), Skolcoacherna (SE), Colegiul Mihai Eminescu don Soroca (Moldova); Dimitra Education & Consulting SA (EL), Uffficio Scoilastico Regionalee Per Il Veneto (IT); Vinnytsia State Mykhaylo Kotsyubynskly Pedagogical University (UA) and Van de Winkel Consultancy BV (NL)
Follow us on social media for updates about activities and free resources: #EQAVET4inclusion #EQAVET
EQAVET4INCLUSION has been co-financed with the support of the European Union’s ERASMUS+ programme. Its contents and materials are the sole responsibility of its authors. The Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein (Funding ref. 2021-1-SE01-KA220-VET-000033282 )