Spanish women have undertaken more than men since the Corona19 virus outbreak. Female self-employment was in 1976 – 577K and in 2022 – 1M, with 300K women staring-up a business only in 2022. This is a direct response to the labour crisis caused by the pandemic, resulting in high unemployment and women seeking new opportunities, largely due to pre-existing precarious work conditions. Among the reasons that lead a woman to start her own business are the lack of good career opportunities, and a wish for work flexibility to be able to fulfil caring duties. Women are in Spain still the main carers for children, the elderly or a sick family member.

However, beyond the need for an income, many women run their own or family business, because they are passionate about their enterprise. A family business is led by one or more members of a family, and, like any enterprise, they benefit from receiving external help. But with gender discrimination still being a barrier in all strands of life, specific support for women leaders in business is much needed.
BOSS is an initiative of seven European organizations that will research the situation of women-led businesses, and interview women who run their own businesses, to learn about their needs, and then design relevant resources and launch a network of like-minded entrepreneurs.
We specifically wish to help strengthen women in family businesses who have to face difficulties, such as: taking over the business from another family member; or starting-up a new venture; or studying; or having recently migrated; or having to care for others.
To support these women, we will co-design the following resources:
- Skills and competence framework for women leaders in (family) business
- Training programme for women leaders in (family) business
- Toolkit for women leaders in (family) businesses
- Online network of women in business
These activities are a collaborative effort by seven partners from five European countries: Folk Universitetet (SE) Coordinamento Donne nel Mondo (IT), Il Mio Futuro (IT), Internationella Kvinnoföreningen (SE), Rinova (ES), STEP Institut, zavod za psihologijo dela in podjetnistvo (SI), Teknoloji ve Yaratici Sektorler Girisimcilik Dernegi (TR).
Follow us on social media for updates about our activities: #womenBOSSproject
The BOSS project has been co-financed with the support of the European Union’s ERASMUS+ programme. Its contents and materials are the sole responsibility of its authors. The Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. It will be implemented from September 2022 to August 2024. (Funding ref. 2022-1-SE01-KA220-ADU-000087596).