hosted by Coordinator ‘The Smile of the Child’

HUMAN project’s partners & stakeholders met at Athens, Greece in 3rd & 4th December 2024 for the 2nd Transnational Partnership Council while in parallel they participated in the International conference ‘Preventing and addressing bullying and violence among minors’ which was co-organized by ‘European Antibullying Network’ and ‘The Smile of the Child’, under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports of Greece and the Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth of Cyprus.
The International conference was held on Tuesday, 3 December at the Novotel Athens Hotel, in the center of Athens, with more than 100 participants from Greece and several other countries across Europe (Croatia, Cyprus, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the UK, a.o.), including teachers, educators, civil society actors, state authorities and other stakeholders. The Conference was opened by representatives of the European Student Volunteer Network YouSmile of ‘The Smile of the Child’, which consist the Youth Panel for Diversity in Greece in the framework of HUMAN project , who stressed that ‘Change starts with us, but we need your help too. Those who are here today have the power and the will to change a child’s life’.

During the International conference, HUMAN project and past EU funded projects like HIT & YCREATE were presented from Rinova Málaga S.L. with focus on how investing in the education of professionals can lead to strengthening the resilience of young people to counter hate speech online & offline. HUMAN project’s partners & stakeholders presented a variety of prevention actions and learning, practice-based programmes to combat youth violence & counter hate speech in Slovenia, Sweden, Portugal , Spain and Greece, inspiring the educational community, civil society actors, state authorities and other stakeholders who were attended the conference. You can read more information about the International conference here.
During the 2nd day of TPC , HUMAN project’s partners & stakeholders met at the Panhellenic Operational Centre ‘Andreas Yannopoulos’ of the project’s Coordinator ‘The Smile of the Child’ at Aghia Paraskevi for monitoring and validation of HUMAN project’s deliverables and activities’ progress until then.
Project’s Coordinator ‘The Smile of the Child’ started the meeting with welcoming greetings and a short face to face presentation of TSoC’s Helplines Operational Centre; YouSmile Network’s Studio; Social Polyclinic; Volunteers place etc at Aghia Paraskevi.
Afterwards, Rinova Málaga S.L. as WP2’s leader, presented the final version of D2.1 Manual for Digital Hate Interrupter Activism and rest partners validated it. Also, Rinova Málaga S.L. presented the context of D2.2 Digital Hate Interrupter Activism Online Learning Platform which will be launched before the end of the year.In continuation , MuLaB as WP3’s leader presented the tasks related to D3.1 Consultation report, D3.2 Online transnational Professional Development Seminars and D3.3 Country Tailored Learning Activities in all partner countries.
All partners presented the progress of HUMAN project’s activities in their country and gave their feedback for results arisen until now .Following that, WP5’s & WP1’s presentations were held by DYPALL Network., ‘The Smile of the Child’ and Rinova Málaga S.L. focused on dissemination actions, project’s quality assessment & impact evaluation.
At the end of the meeting, in accordance with the project’s timeline , next steps to be done were set by HUMAN Consortium.
The project is coordinated by – The Smile of the Child in partnership with Rinova Málaga S.L. ,Folkuniversitetet , Center for Social Innovation – CSI, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče Koper , Mulab, European Antibullying Network and Dypall Network.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them.