Would you like to take part in a European Project?

Would you like to take part in a European Project?

Join Pilot Testing Program for European e-EUPA Erasmus+ project!

In Spring 2024 you are invited to be a part of our pilot testing program, where you will have the unique opportunity to shape the future of e-EUPA Erasmus+ project.

What is the Pilot Testing Program?

Our pilot testing program is a special initiative that allows a select group of individuals to get a sneak peek into the latest developments in this online course. As a participant, you will have the chance to use and interact with our new technology before it’s released to the public. Your feedback will help us to improve the quality of our product.

What is e-EUPA?

The e-EUPA project is currently developing an online course for administrative personnel. With this course you will be able to validate your competences and knowledge with assessments and tests (ISO17024 certified), all at your own pace and from anywhere. The aim is to provide an alternative method of learning and certification for administration staff at four different levels of the EQF.  

Join our pilot and be part of e-EUPA! #e-EUPAproject

More information about the project and its partners here https://e-eupa.projectsgallery.eu/

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project ID KA220-VET-899115F0