Call for proposals – External evaluator

Call for proposals – External evaluator

Folkuniversitetet Uppsala is looking for an external evaluator in the framework of the project FATIMA2: Preventing Honour Related Violence against Women through Social Impact Projects and Peer Learning led by young men co-funded by the programme CERV-2022-DAPHNE_ 101095877 of the European Union, of which Rinova is a partner and responsible for facilitating the development of a transnational network based on the cooperation between young peer leaders, local NGOs, local authorities, public services, and corporate partners to support local, national and transnational knowledge exchange on best practices to fight honour related violence in community settings.

FATIMA2 aims to prevent the so-called honour related violence through a programme primarily addressed at:

a) Practitioners of community organisations in their capacity to cooperate with youth in the implementation of Social Impact Projects on human rights and gender equality; and to cooperate and network with other practitioners, local authorities and corporate organisations on the development, dissemination and sustainability of the FATIMA2 programme towards the eradication of HRV at local and transnational level.

b) Young men (aged 16 to 24) who will be trained to become peer leaders and human rights ambassadors in their communities and empower their peers through awareness-raising on HRV in the community, as well as to engage with adults in a dialogue on the impact of gender inequalities and Gender Based Violence (GBV) in the community.

The evaluation is focused on the usability, impact and sustainability/legacy of the project results. Interested candidates should refer to the full Call for External Evaluation (see information below) and submit their proposals by Friday the 14th of July at 5pm (CET), by email to Sofia Leitão – who can also be contacted for an informal discussion. If interviews/presentations are required, these will take place online during July 2023.

FATIMA2 is coordinated by Folkuniversitetet Uppsala (SE), leading a consortium of partners from other 7 EU countries: Rinova (ES), DAF Новини (BG), FISPE (FR), Refugee Team (NL), ZRS Koper – Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče Koper ( (SI), ARCI (IT), DIMITRA (EL).

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