HUMAN event in Barcelona : Youth Empowerment and Alliances for Diversity

HUMAN event in Barcelona : Youth Empowerment and Alliances for Diversity

Join us in Barcelona to explore Youth Empowerment and Alliances for Diversity.

When? February 15, 2025 from 9:30 to 15:30 (includes coffee break and networking lunch).

Where? Espai elParlante – Passage de Llívia, 70, 08041, Barcelona.

Free activity with prior registration HERE.

This meeting is aimed at education professionals to exchange experiences and access resources that promote diversity and youth activism.  

09:30 – Arrival and registration
10:00 – Welcome and introduction to the HUMAN project (RINOVA)
10:15 – Group workshop with HUMAN resources (elParlante)
11:30 – Coffee break (in charge of Cuinant Cultures)
12:00 – Return of the groups to the plenary
13:00 – Panel of experiences: Presentation of local entities and experiences
14:00 – “Taster” workshop on diversity and culinary culture, 

followed by networking lunch (Cuinant Cultures)

15:30 – End of the day

This event is part of the activities organised in the framework of the project HUMAN – Digital Activism Hate Interuptor to combat structural racism by promoting inter-community cooperation through digital technologies. This project aims to eradicate structural hatred against diaspora communities and is developed in eight countries around three main axes: 

1) Professional development agents of generational change (local authorities, educators, civil society organizations). 

2) Youth empowerment to empower young people as hate-interuptor digital activists, with skills to promote critical thinking, participation and digital skills. 

3) sustainability to integrate these actions into municipal strategic plans and local youth councils.


Organize: RINOVA in collaboration with elParlante.

Project co-financed by the EU. Its contents are the exclusive responsibility of its authors. The European Commission is not responsible for the use that may be made of the information contained therein.